The allegory of ‘Dhu’l-Qarnayn, the Two-Horned One’.
A series of parables or allegories on the theme of faith in God versus excessive attachment to the life of this world.Muhammad's Night journey from Mecca to Jerusalem.Culmination: Guidance through his revealed word.Manifested in the instincts of the bee.God's guidance to man through revelation of the Qur'an, which will remain uncorrupted for all times.The Rocky Tract, The Stoneland, The Rock City The revelation of God's word to all mankind, destined to lead man from darkness to light.God's revelation, through his prophets, of certain fundamental moral truths, and the consequences of accepting or rejecting them.The story of the prophet Joseph (as an illustration of God's unfathomable direction of men's affairs).The revelation of God's will through his prophets.The revelation of the Qur'an to Muhammad (not Muhammad's own work).Prohibition of intercalation in the Islamic lunar calendar(v.Problems of war between believers and their enemies.What happens to those who discard Allah's message.Stories of Nuh, Hud, Salih, Lut, Shuáyb and Musa.Pre-Islamic superstitions concerning animals.Corruption of the original message of the Injeel by Jews and Christians.Striving in the Cause of Allah ( Jihad).Relations of believers with unbelievers.Questions related to family life (including marriage and inheritance).

The Family of Imraan, The House of ʿImrān AL-BAQARAH ( the Cow) has been so named from the story of the Cow occurring in this Surah (vv.Legal ordinances (ethics, social relations, warfare etc.).The error(s) committed by followers of earlier revelations.(5) Thee we worship and from Thee we seek help. (2) Praise be to God, Lord of the worlds, (3) the Compassionate and Merciful, (4) Master of the Day of Judgement. It reads: “(1) In the name of God (Allah), the Compassionate and Merciful. The fundamental principles of the Qur'an in a condensed form.The Opening, the Opening of the Divine Writ, The Essence of the Divine Writ, The Surah of Praise, The Foundation of the Qur'an, and Table of Surahs SurahĮgyptian Standard Chronological Order Surahs of the Medina period focus more on laws for personal affairs, society, and the state. Surahs of the Makkah period are more related to themes such as Resurrection, Judgment, and stories from Judaism and Christianity. The first surah in the Quran is Surah al-Fatiha. abbreviated or shortened), unique letter combinations whose meanings are unknown. Twenty-nine surahs are preceded by Muqatta'at (lit. The first surah of the Quran (Surah Al-Fatihah)Įach surah except the ninth ( At-Tawba) is preceded by the phrase bismi-llāhi r-raḥmāni r-raḥīm ("In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful."). For a preliminary discussion about the chronological order of chapters see page Surah. The real translation of the word Ayah is "Sign ". The Quran is divided into Surahs (chapters) and further divided into Ayahs (verses). For other uses, see Quran (disambiguation).